HomeNewsDoH PL2 Review

DoH PL2 Review

Dear Colleagues,

Protect Life 2 is Northern Ireland’s strategy for the prevention of suicide and self-harm, launched in 2019. Protect Life 2 – Suicide Prevention Strategy | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk)

The Department of Health Permanent Secretary, Peter May, extended the Protect Life 2 Strategy (2019) for a further three years to the end of 2027 at this stage. This will be reviewed by an incoming Minister with the potential for an additional extension to 2029.  This decision was taken given challenges in implementing Protect Life 2 against a difficult financial situation and delays due to the necessary response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   

As part of the Strategy extension, the Department agreed to undertake a Review of the Protect Life 2 Action Plan to inform the future Action Plan and implementation. The aims and objectives of the Protect Life 2 Strategy are not being reviewed and will not change at this point. 

Your experience and feedback is critical for the Review of the Protect Life 2 Action Plan.

The first (survey) stage is now closed.

The second stage is a series of face-to-face workshops in February 2024. At these workshops we will present the initial analysis of this survey and seek more in-depth feedback from you.

To register for a workshop please click on the link https://forms.office.com/e/ptyVaR0kMJ

A specific statutory partners workshop is also scheduled for: Monday 26th February 2024 – 10am – Dunsilly Hotel, 20 Dunsilly Road, Antrim, BT41 2JH 

to register for statutory partners workshop please click on the link https://forms.office.com/e/CX1KuDjt88

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