Members of Home Start Newry and Mourne.Members of Newry Gateway Club.Members of Caring Coins Association.Members of Happy Days from St. Mary’s Club.Members of the Education Authority.Members of the Meadow and Armagh Road Community Association.Members of Meadow/Armagh Raod Community Association.Quiz Masters Cathy McCann, Gerry Carey and comedian Darren Matthews.Looking after the raffle pupils from St. Paul’s High School.Chairperson Maureen Ruddy and members of Martin’s Lane Community Group.Members of Kilbroney Luncheon Club.Members of the Happiness Club.Members of the Kingdom Men’s Shed.Members of U3AMembers of Mourne Community First RespondersMembers of Magney Youth Centre.Members Craobh Rua.Members of Barcroft Community Association.Members of the Clanrye Group.Members of Hope 4 Me Fibro, Volunteer Now and Volunteer NI.Members of Bolster Community.Members of Community Restorative Justice.Members of MATT Men About The Town.Members of Swagath Indian Families Association.Members of Action Mental Health.Representatives from Ballinacraig Community Association, Crisis Cafe and Greater Linenhall.Members of Newry Hospice.Members of Newry Hospice.Members of Newry Felon’s Association.Members of Threeways Community Association.Members of Community Advice Newry, Mourne and Down.Members of OPCP Good Morning ServiceThis will hang in Ballybot House to remind all Volunteers that their contribution is appreciated and makes a massive difference to our communities.Chairperson Newry, Mourne and Down Council, Councillor Pete Byrne, Helen O’Hara Ulster Bank.Councillor Geraldine Kearns, Councillor Valerie Harte and Kerri Morrow DEA Officer.Sponsors Helen O’Hara Barclays Bank, Catherine O’Hanlon Department for Communities, Newry, Mourne and Down Council Chairperson, Councillor Pete Byrne and Brendan Jackson Newry Credit Union at the Volunteer Recognition Event.Sponsors, Brendan Jackson Newry Credit Union, Chairperson Newry, Mourne and Down Council, Councillor Pete Byrne, Helen O’Hara Barclays Bank with Raymond Jackson CEO and staff from Confederation of Community Groups.Members of Confederation of Community Groups Team back row l-r Pat Quinn, Teresa Taggart, Cathy McMahon, Conor Duffy, Conor Keenan, front row l-r Edna Russell, Gerry Carey and Raymond Jackson CEO at their Volunteer Recognition Event in the Canal Court Hotel.During the Celebration of Volunteering, artist Stephanie Heckman was making this wonderful board of art and quotes which will hang in Ballybot House to Celebrate all Volunteers. l-r Conor Keenan, Artist Stephanie Heckman and CEO Raymond Jackson.Confederation of Community Groups celebrating 50 years held a Celebration of Volunteering and invited volunteers from the area involved in community associations and groups. During the evening artist Stephanie was quietly working in a corner of the room and completed this wonderful board to add to the Volunteer Recognition and Celebrations event. l-r Conor Keenan, Artist Stephanie Heckman, CEO Raymond Jackson, Conor Duffy, Cathy McMahon, Gerry Carey, Teresa Taggart and Edna Russell.Conor Keenan and the pupils from St. Paul’s High School who sold tickets during the event for the raffle.Members of Newry Scouts.Raymond Jackson CEO and members of Confederation of Community Groups Committee.Raymond Jackson CEO and staff from Confederation of Community Groups at their Volunteer Recognition Event in the Canal Court.Chairperson Newry, Mourne and Down Council, Councillor Pete Byrne with Raymond Jackson CEO and staff from Confederation of Community Groups at their Volunteer Recognition Event.Confederation of Community Groups celebrate 50 years and a delicious cake to cut during the celebrations.Raymond Jackson CEO Confederation of Community Groups, Helen O’Hara Barclays Bank Sponsor and Newry Scouts winners of the raffle prize.Raynond Jackson CEO Confederation Community Groups and winners of raffle prize.Brendan Jackson CEO of Newry Credit Union presents members of Community Restorative Justice winners of a raffle prize.Pupils from St. Paul’s High School who sold raffle tickets during the event and presented the hampers and prizes.Councillor Geraldine Kearns, Councillor Valerie Harte and Kerri Morrow DEA Officer.Members of Shamrock Youth Group.