HomeNewsSilvery Light Sailing – National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) Bid – 2021

Silvery Light Sailing – National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) Bid – 2021

Silvery Light Sailing (SLS), a charity and company limited by guarantee, is applying to NHLF for funding for a project that is aimed at introducing a wider range of people to heritage. Specifically, the focus will be on maritime heritage on the sea and onshore.

Outline proposal to participating organisations

Silvery Light Sailing (SLS), a charity and company limited by guarantee, is applying to NHLF for funding for a project that is aimed at introducing a wider range of people to heritage. Specifically, the focus will be on maritime heritage on the sea and onshore.

In order to achieve this, we are seeking to purchase a Brixham Trawler which is over 120 years old. Built of wood this vessel can take up to sixteen people – four crew and twelve passengers. This particular vessel would have worked the Irish Sea and west coast of Scotland. and is thus part of our maritime heritage. It is also on the National Register of Historic Vessels. It was converted to a sail training vessel and will be fully coded (the equivalent of a boat MOT) and insured if the bid is successful.

Part of the bid also comprises funding for voyages – eight in all during 2020. These voyages will last four nights and five days. Participants will, under qualified direction and supervision, be involved in the sailing of a heritage vessel and will experience a voyage using sailing techniques required in the 19th century. There will be 21st century equipment and the food will be better! Normally these types of voyages would cost from £5000 upwards.

In addition, participants will be expected to attend a half day, or evening talk on the voyage prior to it taking place as well as a day’s familiarisation process on the vessel. After the voyage participants would be expected to attend a one-day event focusing on maritime heritage as well as a half day or evening debrief and presentation of certificates.

SLS will supply the vessel, reasonable travel costs to and from the vessel and activity days, captain, first mate and bosun (qualified and checked through AccessNI) as well as oilskins and lifejackets. Food will also be provided.

SLS expects participating organisations to promote the voyage internally, select the participants, obtain parental and/or guardians’ consent where appropriate, provide leaders where appropriate (participants and up to two leaders should number 12 from the organisation) and ensure participants turn up with adequate warm clothing.

It is best to group participants in the following bands, 14-16, 17-19 and 19 plus. People need to be reasonably fit, i.e., be able to climb up and down steps and into bunks.

If your organisation is keen to become involved in this maritime heritage project, we would need a letter stating your organisations wish to engage with the activities as outlined above, some idea of what the group would get from a maritime heritage experience and a commitment to work with SLS along the lines described above.       


               Silvery Light Sailing is Northern Ireland’s only Maritime Heritage Community Boatworks and Sail Training Charity.   www.silverylight.org

The charity seeks expressions of interest from Youth, Community, cultural and special interest groups, schools, individuals and organisations interested in participating  in a locally themed maritime heritage project to take place over Summer 2022.

The project consists of  four shoreside  meetings and  a five day residential voyage at sea

The project is fully funded to work with  six differing groups of 12  participants delivering  a bespoke programme of activities on the theme of local maritime heritage     The project highlight includes  crewing onboard a Tall Ship for  a five day adventurous residential sailing voyage visiting local Irish Sea Ports

No  Previous sailing experience  required.

Individual Safety Equipment and Wet Weather Clothing Provided

The project will be delivered at no cost  (but enthusiasm) to participants

PROJECT TIMETABLE                                 
(dates and timings to  be agreed)
Initial Meeting  (1/2 Day                   Who are Silvery Light Sailing,  what is Maritime Heritage?
                                                               Explore and explain the project, what to expect,  Q & A
Interaction Day (Full Day)                 Visit Silvery Light Boat Works – Heritage Boat Restoration
                                                                – Marine environment – local Maritime Heritage   
Interaction Day (Full Day)                  Full Day aboard exploring and familiarising Tall Ship ‘Leader’
                                                               Plan the Project Voyage– Navigation- Life onboard- Safety 
Residential Voyage (Five Days)         Embark as crew onboard for five day  Irish Sea voyage. 
Wash Up   (1/2 Day)                           Voyage Wash Up  – Presentation of Certificates of Achievement

                                                             SAMPLE  VOYAGE ITINERARY      

Day 1                                                  Day 2                                    Day 3

(Monday)                                       (Tuesday)                                (Wednesday)

Embark Vessel                             Breakfast                                      Breakfast

Orientation and Safety Brief          Learning the Ropes Instruction        Sailing Activities  

Cast off and set Sail                     Heritage Topic                                Heritage Topic

Evening Meal                               Lunch                                            Lunch

Settle in Free time                       Navigation & Chartwork                    Environmental Task

                                                 Sailing Activity                                Sailing Activity

                                                 Evening Meal                                  Evening Meal

                                                  Review Day/ Next Day’s route         Prepare for Night Sail 

                                                  Free Time                                               Night Sail Watchkeeping                                     

Day 4                                                         Day 5

(Thursday)                                              (Friday)

Breakfast                                               Breakfast

Sailing Activity                                       Sailing Activity

Heritage Topic                                        Heritage Topic

Lunch                                                   Lunch 

Knots, Ropes, Anchors                          Return to Port

Sailing Activity                                        Clean Ship

Evening Meal                                          Debrief/Wash Up/Disembark

Review Day/Next Day’s Route

Free Time          

                                     For further details and to register an interest to take part 

                                   email:   silverylight1884@gmail.com  or call  Mob 07968992647


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