I’m Sarah Fielding and I work at Co-operation Ireland, a peacebuilding charity, on the PEACEPLUS OUR Generation youth mental health and wellbeing project led by Action Mental Health.
This project will work with young people aged 9-25 and their key youth workers to increase mental health literacy, enhance emotional resilience and build the leadership skills of young people.
If you work with young people aged 9-25, come along to our Circle Exchange event in Armagh on 24th January from 10am-12pm in the Armagh City Hotel. Find out about opportunities to get involved in trainings and events on a cross-border, cross-community basis and have your voice heard on mental health issues facing young people in your area. Tea, coffee & scones will be provided!
Register on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1059497267849?aff=oddtdtcreator