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HomeNewsVictims & Survivors Strategy Consultation

Victims & Survivors Strategy Consultation

The Executive Office has launched a public consultation on the new Strategy for Victims and Survivors. The consultation will run for 14 weeks and closes on 13th March 2024.

The Strategy has been developed through collaborative design and partnership working with our co-design partners in the Commission for Victims and Survivors and the Victims and Survivors Service, as well as with victims’ and survivors’ representative groups. Through this engagement, victims and survivors have been placed at the heart of the development of the Strategy.

The Strategy proposes a new Vision of “A trauma informed society that addresses the needs of victims and survivors” and sets out high level outcomes and actions under three pillars – Past, Needs and the Future. It builds on the progress made to date to ensure the needs of victims and survivors continue to be met.

As part of this consultation process, we are seeking your views on the new Strategy, we would be extremely grateful if you would complete an online survey which should take no longer than 20 minutes.

You can respond to the consultation online through our questionnaire which can be accessed here :

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